Dragon Countdown Roundup!

Dragon Countdown Posts

As part of the countdown to the dragon’s first appearance on Isle of Elsi, I have been “unlocking” one Patreon backer blog entry per week for the last month. I thought it would be a good idea to collect all five posts here so that people can check them out more easily!

• Isle of Elsi Process – Inking This was one of six detailed posts I did about my cartooning process. It includes a two minute time-lapse video of me inking page 29 of Isle of Elsi from start to finish (about six hours of work!). This post also includes information about all of my inking tools.

• Isle of Elsi Patreon Livestream 4/26/16 Every month I do an hour-long livestream for my $2+ Patreon backers. In this one I digitally color page 34 using Photoshop while answering questions from my patrons!

• If First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again! Every Saturday I send a small update from my drawing table, usually a photograph of whatever page I have been working on that week. In this update I broke down my multiple attempts to draw a well using some tricky perspective.

• Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling Each month I do a write up about some of the books that inspired Isle of Elsi. In this post I talk about the Harry Potter series and the way it not only inspired my story but my also my desire to draw a full color webcomic. It includes many of my Harry Potter fan drawings!

Behind the Scenes – Egalliv As part of my preparations for Isle of Elsi, I built a 3-D model of Egalliv, using Google Sketchup. This post shows a “flyover” of the village. In subsequent posts I show my design drawings of individual buildings as well as their 3D turnaround.

At this point there are more than 70 of these backer blog posts available to my $2+ Patreon supporters, and I am adding more every week. Isle of Elsi will always be free to read, but if you are interested in reading more about the process of creating it, consider lending your support on Patreon. If I reach $500 a month in support I will be able to start posting Isle of Elsi pages twice a week!

R.J. Jr. in The Dragon’s Librarian!

The First Page Posts on 12/31/15

Well, it’s December 31st, 2015, so the first page has been posted!  The first story is called “R.J. Jr. in The Dragon’s Librarian” and it is 99 pages.  I will be posting every Thursday from now on, and if my new Patreon campaign gets above $500/month I will begin posting every Tuesday and Thursday.

I have been working in secret on Isle of Elsi for many years now, and it has all built up to this day.  I’m really excited to finally start posting these pages and to share this story with all of you.  I hope you enjoy it!

Welcome to www.isleofelsi.com !

Isle of Elsi: A free webcomic for KIDS! by Alec Longstreth

The Isle of Elsi website has launched!  I figured it would be cool to put it up a few weeks before the first page posts so that people can bookmark the site, subscribe to the RSS feed, or follow the Isle of Elsi Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook accounts to get updates. Click around and explore the site!

The first page will post on December 31st, 2015 at which point I will also launch the Isle of Elsi Patreon campaign. My hope is that after the comic starts, Isle of Elsi will continue for many years to come!  Thanks so much for checking it out and telling your friends about it!